
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Want Bookshelf - Got Hackerspace, Don't Need IKEA

A couple of our members who haven't been able to come around HackRVA for awhile we're having lunch and discussing their need for a bookcase. At first they considered making the trek up to the NOVA IKEA, but then were like, "What, no, we can make it ourselves, lets go to hack".

After finishing lunch, they moseyed over to a big-box for wood and hardware, then they came to HackRVA during what happened to be a Saturday hackathon. They had plenty of help with tools and lots of admirers. By the end of the day, a lovely bookcase was created.

We even loaded up the finished product in the car together to see it on it's way home. It came a pile of materials and left something awesome.

 I was blown away by the quickness!

One Saturday at HackRVA and they have a piece of furnurture that looks beautiful and they'll always remember building together. Forget gnarly I-95 trips to IKEA, make it at HackRVA!

More pics below after the break:

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